1,705 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Optical Properties of Sprayed ZnO and ZnO:Ga Thin Films

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    Characteristics and optical constants of pure and Ga-doped ZnO thin films have been studied. Pure and Ga-doped zinc oxide thin films were deposited onto glass substrates using the spray pyrolysis technique. Optical absorption studies in the wavelength range of 300–900 nm showed a peak near 450 nm for different doped films (in addition to the peak for un-doped ZnO). Increasing the doping concentration of Ga to 7% induced an increase in the optical constants of films. This increase is attributed to the formation of chargetransfer complexes. ZnO thin films doped with Ga have improved the optical transmittance in the visible region. The addition of Ga also induced an obvious increase in the optical band gap of these films; the optical band gap of Ga-doped films was slightly higher than that of undoped samples (3.1 eV). This study also found that the highest band gap (Eg=3.4 eV) occurred for the film deposited with a doping concentration of 5% gallium

    Investigating the link between transaction and computational costs in a blockchain environment

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    The research and thinking pertaining to blockchain have thus far focused on cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. However, there is increased interest in using the technology to solve operational challenges in manufacturing and service supply chains. In this study, we introduce a new implication of using blockchain technology and propose two unique contributions. First, we introduce the notion of computational costs (measured in units of gas) as an essential mechanism for completing operational transactions in the blockchain environment. Second, we discuss the use of smart contracts and their influence on operational transactions. To investigate the link between blockchain transaction and computational costs, this study uses an experimental methodology. We develop and implement a fully functional virtual public blockchain to store, validate, and maintain transactions. The methodology provides a process to measure the computational costs, frequency, and intensity of transactions. This research contributes to conceptual research on the blockchain implementation paradigm. Its novelty stems from the identification of computational costs for operational transactions and use of an experimental methodology. This research provides managers an insight into the design of smart contract transactions in a supply chain from a cost perspective

    Spider monkey optimization routing protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    Uneven energy consumption (UEC) is latent trouble in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that feature a multiple motion pattern and a multi-hop routing. UEC often splits the network, reduces network life, and leads to performance degradation. Sometimes, improving energy consumption is more complicated because it does not reduce energy consumption only, but it also extends network life. This makes energy consumption balancing critical to WSN design calling for energy-efficient routing protocols that increase network life. Some energy-saving protocols have been applied to make the energy consumption among all nodes inside the network equilibrate in the expectancy and end power in almost all nodes simultaneously. This work has suggested a protocol of energy-saving routing named spider monkey optimization routing protocol (SMORP), which aims to probe the issue of network life in WSNs. The proposed protocol reduces excessive routing messages that may lead to the wastage of significant energy by recycling frequent information from the source node into the sink. This routing protocol can choose the optimal routing path. That is the preferable node can be chosen from nodes of the candidate in the sending ways by preferring the energy of maximum residual, the minimum traffic load, and the least distance to the sink. Simulation results have proved the effectiveness of the proposed protocol in terms of decreasing end-to-end delay, reducing energy consumption compared to well-known routing protocols

    Competitiveness and efficiency in poultry and pig production in Vietnam

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    Optical Characterization of Silver Doped Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Films

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    Silver-doped PVA films were prepared by casting method in order to study the effect of silver on the optical properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) using UV/VIS spectroscopy. It was found that these thin films have an indirect optical band gap (2.4-1.3) eV as the doping percentage increase. Extinction coefficient and refractive index increase as the doping percentage increase, while in general the optical dispersion parameters show an opposite behavior with dopin

    Effects of Annealing on the Electronic Transitions of ZnS Thin Films

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    Thin films of zinc sulphide were prepared using a flash evaporation technique. The obtained thin films were subjected to heat treatment to investigate the effect of annealing on the transmittance spectrum and the electronic transitions. It has been found that annealing affected the transmission spectrum and caused an increase in the direct optical band gap. The optical parameters, oscillator energy E0 and dispersion energy Ed were determined using the Wemple DiDomenico single oscillator model. The optical energy gap obtained from the Wemple and DiDomenico model was in good agreement with the optical energy gap proposed by the Tauc theory

    Data Analytics and Techniques: A Review

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    Big data of different types, such as texts and images, are rapidly generated from the internet and other applications. Dealing with this data using traditional methods is not practical since it is available in various sizes, types, and processing speed requirements. Therefore, data analytics has become an important tool because only meaningful information is analyzed and extracted, which makes it essential for big data applications to analyze and extract useful information. This paper presents several innovative methods that use data analytics techniques to improve the analysis process and data management. Furthermore, this paper discusses how the revolution of data analytics based on artificial intelligence algorithms might provide improvements for many applications. In addition, critical challenges and research issues were provided based on published paper limitations to help researchers distinguish between various analytics techniques to develop highly consistent, logical, and information-rich analyses based on valuable features. Furthermore, the findings of this paper may be used to identify the best methods in each sector used in these publications, assist future researchers in their studies for more systematic and comprehensive analysis and identify areas for developing a unique or hybrid technique for data analysis

    A Comparative Study for String Metrics and the Feasibility of Joining them as Combined Text Similarity Measures

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    This paper aims to introduce an optimized Damerau–Levenshtein and dice-coefficients using enumeration operations (ODADNEN) for providing fast string similarity measure with maintaining the results accuracy; searching to find specific words within a large text is a hard job which takes a lot of time and efforts. The string similarity measure plays a critical role in many searching problems. In this paper, different experiments were conducted to handle some spelling mistakes. An enhanced algorithm for string similarity assessment was proposed. This algorithm is a combined set of well-known algorithms with some improvements (e.g. the dice-coefficient was modified to deal with numbers instead of characters using certain conditions). These algorithms were adopted after conducting on a number of experimental tests to check its suitability. The ODADNN algorithm was tested using real data; its performance was compared with the original similarity measure. The results indicated that the most convincing measure is the proposed hybrid measure, which uses the Damerau–Levenshtein and dicedistance based on n-gram of each word to handle; also, it requires less processing time in comparison with the standard algorithms. Furthermore, it provides efficient results to assess the similarity between two words without the need to restrict the word length

    Association of Physical Activity with Co-morbid Conditions in Geriatric Population

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    To find out association of physical activity with co-morbid conditions in geriatric population, a cross-sectional study was conducted in different cties of Pakistan in 2015. A total of 114 participants were inducted by non-probability convenience sampling technique. Data was collected after informed verbal consent by a validated questionnaire that is Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA). Participants were categorized into two groups i.e. physically active and physically inactive. Data was entered and analyzed in SPSS version 20. There were 66 (57.9%) males and 48 (42.1%) females with mean age of 57.04±7.348 years. Among hypertensive individuals (n=43, 37.7%) there were 39 (90.7%) physically inactive, among individuals having angina (n=17, 14.9%) there were 15 (88.2%) physically inactive. Out of 37 (32.5%) diabetics, 35 (94.6%) were physically inactive. Among individuals suffering from arthritis (n=40, 35.1%), there were 38 (95%) physically inactive. A significant association was found between physical activity and diabetes and arthritis with p-value of 0.048 and 0.029 respectively. Physical activity is significantly associated with diabetes and arthritis in geriatric population. Adequate physical activity should be performed to reduce the risk of co-morbid conditions and improve the quality of life in geriatric population